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​Let's Dance!

Beginning Ballet
This level is meant for students who have successfully passed the Introduction to Dance or are ages 6+.
In this level students will learn:
The five ballet positions.
Ballet vocabulary: demi, grand, plié, relevé, soutenu, tendu, jeté, grand battement, rond de jambe, en dehor, en dedan, en l’air, piqué, coupé, passé dèveloppé, ènveloppé, and fouetté.
What turn out is.
Barre skills:
Starting in first position.
Starting in fifth position.
Center work:
In first position
In fifth position
Pas de chat
Pas de bourrée
Short combinations incorporating these skills.
Across the floor:
Chaîné turns with spotting
Piqué turns with spotting
Grand jeté
Tour jeté
Once students have mastered these skills they will move on to a Level I.
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